Всемирно известный фотограф Реза Дегати поделился снимками из освобожденного от оккупации города Физули.

Соответствующую публикацию он сделал на своей странице в Instagram.

«Я помню слова людей, вынужденных в свое время покинуть город Физули. Никогда не забуду их рассказы», - написал он.

По его словам, мирное население, покидая эти места, смогло унести только ручную кладь.  

«Но в дороге их грабили армяне, забирали ювелирные украшения женщин, расстреливали сопротивлявшихся мужчин, а у оставшихся в живых требовали снять обувь. Армяне заставили их убегать босиком.

Этот автобус возбудил в моей памяти те воспоминания. Я слышал эти рассказы от вынужденных переселенцев. Сегодня я нашел автобус на том месте, где происходили эти события.

Здесь, на земле, я заметил обувь и одежду, брошенную армянами. Это урок истории. Не совершайте того, чего бы вы не желали себе», - добавил он.


Füzuli, Azerbaijan When I entered the newly liberated city of Füzuli I was shocked to face a phantom city. This place inhabited by thousands of people was abandoned. Nature took back his right. In the 90s, after the end of the active combats in Karabakh, I met with refugees from Füzuli. I will never forget the stories they told me about the moment they had to leave their homes and lands. When the Armenian army attacked, many of them filled up buses with few belongings they could take with them. Just outside, they were all stoped by Armenian soldiers and forced out of the bus, their belongings were ransacked, women were assaulted, their jewelries were stollen taken, pockets were emptied, the men opposing this violence were shot. After this frisking, the soldiers asked them to take our their shoes and then shooting in the air ordered them to run. Seeing this abandoned bus echoed with this memory. These stories I heard repeatedly from many refugees and displaced people. Today almost at the same place I found buses that symbolically made me think about these stories. Then I found, on the ground, the shoes and outfits of Armenian soldiers left here probably while they were fleeing. This is a lesson from History, don’t do to others what you wouldn’t someone else do to you. Füzuli was a flourishing inhabited city, today it is a ghost town where nature took over everything. #fuzuli #Karabakh #azerbaiijan #reza #rezaphoto #photography #rezaphotojournalist #photojournalist #azgram #karabakhisazerbaijan

Публикация от REZA (@rezaphotography)

